A well designed logo is critical in building your brand identity. Because every brand is different, and your logo needs to be unique. For that reason, the first task for a logo designer is gathering some basic information about the business, services and/or product the logo will represent.
Logos can be categorized into 5 basic types:
- Wordmark – The treatment of your company name with font and color. Perfect for businesses just starting out or on a tight budget.
- Combination Mark – This type of logo is the combination of a Wordmark plus and icon or symbol. Also good for businesses just starting out and looking to create brand recognition
- Emblem – An emblem logo encases the company name, making it perfect for businesses who have not achieved brand name recognition.
- Lettermark – Similar to a Wordmark, the Lettermark logo is a graphical treatment of your company’s initials. This logo is suitable for businesses whose initials are used instead of the businesses name.
- Icon or Symbol – Icon or symbol logos are only suitable for businesses who can afford extensive branding campaigns to teach the public what the symbol stands for. Most often it is best to start with a combination mark, and then drop the Wordmark portion once the brand has gained traction.
TP Designs creates websites for businesses in the San Francisco Bay Area.